Setup date time picker only for local delivery and shipping


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With Pickeasy, you can show the date/time picker only for Local delivery and shipping and can remove Local Pickup.

Before getting started make sure that Pickeasy is in normal mode. Then,

1. Go to Pickeasy’s "General Setup" section, check "Enable Standard Shipping" and ensure that "Have both pickup and delivery, but with different setup" is unchecked.

2. Next, setup your desired slot settings.

To set up rates for Local Delivery,

3. Go to the Shopify settings and in the Shipping and Delivery tab,

4. Scroll down and find the “Local Delivery” option. Choose a location if you have multiple locations and check "This location offers local delivery".

5. Next, configure the delivery rate for local delivery. You can set the local delivery rate using either zip code or delivery radius. 

Here, we are delivering to the zip codes that start with 100 at the rate of $25.

6. You can see that the customer is presented with only “Local Delivery and Standard Shipping” options.

7. When the customer chooses “Local Delivery”, $25 has been shown to the customer as local delivery rate as the zip code starts with “100”.

Preventing Dual Selection problem

1. If you have enabled Shopify’s native shipping options like “Standard shipping, Local delivery and Local pickup” and added rates there like this.

The customer will be shown with all the shipping options in the checkout page despite the option they chose in the cart page.

2. At such times, there is a chance that customer may choose two different options in the cart page and checkout page which can cause confusions to both customer and the store owner.

3. To avoid such situations, you need to completely migrate every fulfilment setting to Pickeasy and turn off Shopify’s native shipping options.

4. To do so, you can check Pickeasy’s advanced mode settings user guide.

5. You can also contact our support team who can help you to migrate the fulfilment settings. Message us at, [email protected]

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