Check if customer is able to proceed to checkout without selecting a time slot
Last Update één jaar geleden
Before proceeding to this article, please check the previous two mandatory check articles available in this section.
Some cart pages require custom coding, if Pickeasy's slot picker is not working properly.
You can ensure that Pickeasy’s slot picker is working properly in three ways.
Method 1
First, add or remove the cart quantity.
The slot picker will load again. If it doesn’t,
1. Go to Shopify themes tab and click on “Customize” button.
2. Click on “App embeds” icon and select “Date and Time Picker”. Check the “Enable Network listeners” checkbox and save the setting.
3. Reload the cart page and increase or decrease the cart quantity.
The slot picker will now load properly.
Method 2
Check whether the slot picker is loading properly in the mobile view/mobile device.
Method 3
Some themes will support cart drawer, mini cart and model cart. Pickeasy’s slot picker will also load in these minimal cart pages.
1. To check this, add any product to the cart and you can see that Pickeasy’s slot picker is loading in the cart drawer.
If you are facing difficulties in viewing the slot picker in any of the above said methods, your store need custom coding.
Contact us on [email protected]. We can help to resolve the issue.